Form Designer

Our very own Form Designer is a great tool for designing and customizing any kind of data entry forms. This may be used as a standalone form designing tool or can be integrated with our other website like MyCity Portal and CMS.

MyCity Portal

MyCity Portal is a single gateway for facilitating citizens/ users online access to property information, administrative procedures and other assistance services related to permits and licensing. Citizens/ Users can search for available properties for a variety of building purposes, apply for permits & licenses for those, and track previous applications within this single portal.

Inspection App

Inspection is our android and iOS based application for construction, repair or any other kind of inspection purpose. It shows the user/ inspector the pre-scheduled inspection activities with necessary details activities list, location for inspection etc.


Our Content Management System (CMS) is a dynamic website-management tool that allows the users/ customers/ tennants to create, modify, customize, manage the contents, features of the websites on their own without needing specialized technical or programming knowledge.

Starting from the menu, quicklinks, landing page slideshows, notifications, newsfeed, gallery, reports, events and activity lists designing tools i.e. almost every feature of the website can be managed by the user on their own according to their need.

Open IT

The tool has an integrated dashboard for monitoring and controlling the assets. A variety of information relating to device and application like costs, device counts, department wise device counts etc for a variety of building purposes, apply for permits & licenses for those, can be viewed in the form of pie charts, bar charts etc within the dashboard.

Overall, Open IT is a very handy tool for managing and controlling the device,applications and users within any office or organization.


Scheduler/Event Management

Our Scheduler/ Event Management is an all-purpose scheduling management tool. Any kind of scheduling related tasks like traffic-tickets disputes, wedding appointments, wedding certificates,hospital or doctor appointments, Concerts & other events ticketing etc can be booked, managed, controlled and tracked very easily through this handy tool.

Users can also upload and submit documents relevant to scheduling using this tool.